(BLAC-2-BASCIS) Firearms Safety Rules

(BLAC-2-BASCIS) Firearms Safety Rules

It is mandatory that you follow all firearms safety rules,  Whether you have experience with firearms or a new firearms owner. Doesn't matter  A negligent discharge of a firearm can happen when you don't follow these rules. In my experience I've seen more negligent handling of firearms among those who claim to be knowledgeable about firearms.  First thing is too read and understand the rules before you even pick up a firearm.                                      Rule#1                                                     Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. Whenever you pick up a firearm you must know the condition of that firearm. (loaded or unloaded) Rule#2                                                                Keep your finger off the trigger until you have made the decision to fire   Ex. if i don't have a threat in front of me my finger is off the trigger                                                                  Rule#3                                                                   Do not point your weapon at anyone or anything you are not willing to destroy Ex. A person, animal, tv etc.            Rule#4                                                                    Be aware of your target and what's beyond that target,                    right, left, up, down, 360

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